Yesterday EJ and I spend about six hours at the Perk in attempts at writing part of our screenplay. Turns out writing a screen play is incredibly difficult. In theory, it shouldn't be like this for us becuase Erin is a writer, I'm a writer, so we should essentially make a great team. well, we're struggling needless to say.
We probably spent about 45 minutes brainstorming and being distracted and laughing. We finally did decide on a central theme and idea for our movie. I think its pretty solid. Now we just have to build from there, and I have no idea how to go about doing this. I think what I secretly want to do is have someone else write it and just have me be in charge of the soundtrack. I seem to be better at that than the actual writing of the story.
If you have ANY ideas of how we should go about doing this, please contribute those to us. I can't figure out how people do it. Is there a secret formula? or just trial and error? i have no idea. Suggestions are welcome.
table for two
Danny and I spent another late night over pancakes
We talked about soccer and how every man's just the same
And made speculation on the 'who's and the 'when's of our futures
And how everyone's lonely but still we just couldn't complain
And how we just hate being alone
Could I have left my only chance
And now I'm just wasting my time
Looking around
But you know I know better I'm not gonna worry 'bout nothing'
Cause if the birds and the flowers survive then I'll make it okay
If given a chance and a rock see which one breaks a window
And see which one keeps me up all night and into the day
Because I'm so scared of being alone
That I forgot what house I live in
But it's not my job to wait by the phone
For her to call
Well this day's been crazy but everything's happened on schedule
From the rain and the cold to the drink that I spilled on my shirt
'Cause You knew how You'd save me before I fell dead in the garden
And You knew this day long before You made me out of dirt
And You know the plan You have for me
And You can't plan the ends and not plan the means
And so I suppose I just need some peace
To get me to sleep
"I wish someone would carve me out of wood and put me on a stump."
-erin johnson
i think i just got back from the prayer meeting of the century.
this girl in our group named erin has a severe hip injury which she has had over the last four years. it was predicted that erin would be in a wheelchair by the time she turns 20. she is 18.5.
prompted by the Spirit, the seven of us laid hands on erin. we spent the next block of time praying that God would heal erin's hip. i have never felt the Spirit lead in such a way. it was amazing.
in praying for erin's healing, so much was realized about one's lack of faith in prayer (i include myself as the greatest of these). but being together with six others who share the same of Christ's blood, i felt hope and joy, and most importantly, faith behind every request that was made tonight. We are commissioned as Christ's ambassadors to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, and cast out demons. this authority is possessed by all who authentically know Christ.
"Is anyone among you suffering? Then he must pray. Is anyone cheerful? He is to sing praises. Is anyone among you sick? then he must call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer offered in faith will resotre the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up" James 5:13-15
join me in a mighty act of prayer, in faith, for God to heal erin. To Him be the glory alone.
living out acts
today was a good day. who doesn't like a good day?
i went to church tonight and it was absolutely wonderful. it was one of those crazy services that started 30 minutes late and also where we had a packed out house and there was barely any room to breathe. you know, the type of service where you can sit next to a perfect stranger but leave feeling awkwardly close to them because you spent an hour and a half all up in their business... yeah, we're all friends at the grove, and to quote john schellhase, you have to be.
i have been so thankful for my church over the last two and a half years. i couldn't be more blessed with an incredible congregation of brothers and sisters who have a passion for God and also for making Him known. what a blessing to have a church with such vision! there is no greater joy than to serve and give to my church. oh i love it so much. and i love that Christ loves all of us there so much. i hope everyone can find a chuch like the one i attend.
greetings from rogers, AR
i'm housesitting for my parents this weekend. i decided i didn't want to subject myself to 5 hours of continual tv watching, so i opted for other alternatives to being home alone on a friday night. here's what i came up with:
1. playing my piano ridiculously hard and singing. now, keep in mind, i don't sing, so this was hilarious. also, i was playing really really loud in attempts to make the people having the party across the street yell at me for being too noisy. ha! take that!
2. watering my almost dead plant. he's got the heart of a champion.
3. watching part of mandy moore's "how to deal." okay so i lied- i did subject myself to at least an hour of tv tonight. and just as i expected, it was a complete waste.
4. downloading free songs from amazon.com like "the summer" by yo la tengo to make a new cd. yes.
5. turing up the alternative station on my digital cable really high (holy crap this station is amazing) and dancing around the house all crazy like for about 25 minutes. also sliding on my wood floors in my socks. awesome.
6. talking on the phone for an hour like i did when i was in 10th grade.
7. this.
so as you can see, there is plenty to do on a friday night by yourself. and its only a little after ten, so i have hours to party down. and tomorrow i'm eating sushi and going hiking. this is an incredible weekend.

this could be my most favorite picture of us ever...
I would prefer to be a lily
Wall-flower (wol'flou'er) n. 2. One who does not participate in the activity at a social event because of shyness or unpopularity.
do you think it is possible to be a wallflower in life?
i think so. I think I'm actually moving in this direction. Not so much out of shyness or unpopularity, but maybe due to other factors that I can't really pinpoint right now. I'm okay with it. I've talked to a few people about the idea and it seems the outcome will be beneficial. However, I have my doubts, considering I have spent a large part of my life feeling "left out" and that feeling could certainly resurface with an idea like this. Hopefully a conscious decision to isolate myself in certain areas will be good though. The end goal is to spend more time with my closest friends.
if you think this idea is absolutely retarded, please let me know. Or, if you are wondering what exactly I mean when I say a wallflower of life, just ask me and I'll elaborate. I promise it isn't as negative as it sounds.

happy new year from our home to yours
Aunt Jemima
I just finished driving around Fayetteville with polly and erin. Let me preface this by saying how much I do indeed love polly day. I also love her family, especially her mother, and I think that they are wonderful people.
however, they drink water out of syrup bottles. I'm not sure how I feel about that. As I was commenting on the strangeness of such a unique water container, polly seized the opportunity to explain why the syrup bottle is ideal for drinking water out of. She stated, "they're perfect for drinking water! Look, the little nipple is perfect!"
that got the ball rolling on our henceforth hilarious conversation about syrup and well, you get the idea.
polly, I love you for drinking water out of a syrup bottle.
January showers
It feels more like April here than January. This fickle weather makes me feel like I'm perpetually getting sick but never actually end up with a cold.
I had the pleasure of having Sara stay at my house for the last week. Needless to say, it was filled with both fun and hilarious moments. The majority of our hilarity together can be attributed to the words and phrases that come out of sara's mouth. Here are some of my favorites by Sara from this last week:
* "you're such a bully"
* me: I think I'm getting a fever blister...
Sara: aw! That means I can't kis... I mean, drink after you anymore
* "dig! dig it! dig a hole! wig! wig it!" (she has a tendency to spout off streams
gibberish nonsense like this)
* "I think I'm constie"
* "ah I think I'm having the anal leakage" (my personal favorite)
now I have the pleasure of my other favorite Sarah coming to my house to stay for the next two days. Although she isn't as colorful with her verbal skills as Sara scherer, I'm sure our time will be just as eventful.
freshly sharpened bouquets of pencils to all! Happy school starting in a week.
a river runs through it
yesterday i learned how to fly fish. i must say, it was exciting. and to make things more eventful, we almost dumped over into the icy cold water because our canoe was pretty crappy.
i have also decided to join the mainstream college circle and commemorated this by watching napoleon dynamite for the first time last night. yes, of course, i knew it would be funny and that it would become my new favorite movie. so why did i wait so long to see it, you might be wondering... well it was part of my rebellion against mainstream college culture. something as uniquely quirky and hilarious as napoleon dynamite should not be the "popular" movie among all at the collegiate level. so in regards to this theory of mine, i refused to watch it when everyone else was embracing it as the new best thing that has ever happened to them. Obviously, i broke down last night and watched it. i think the wait made it more funny for me.
polly day makes her mark...
the art of thrifting
today polly and i drove to fort smith to go "thrifting" as she calls it. it was so great. they have infinitely more stores to go thrifting at that anywhere else in the state. i didn't believe it till i saw it, and boy, is it true. i bought this rocking long red wool coat (beautiful!) for only $8. yeah, that's right, 8 big ones. i also swiped a Patagonia fleece for $3. Incredible.
so obviously speaking, polly and i had a wonderful time. We also laughed a whole lot. Today's awkward moment award goes to polly when at 8:20 this morning she shot up out of bed real fast, didn't say a word, then fell back down. it was really weird yet hilarious. Also, we had another hysterical moment when we started saying the name "Alexis necessary" with a lisp, laughing about how funny it would be for someone to say "Alexis necessary" with a speech impediment. However, it quickly spiraled into a Scottish-like accent as we continually repeated "Alexis necessary" over and over again. Picture Sean Conner saying "Alexis necessary." you get the idea.
i'm try to revamp the blogger page for a new year.
what do you all think of this design? thoughts please.
music of the night
i predict that my new favorite movie (for the time being at least) will be phantom of the opera as soon as it come out and i see it. it has by far been my favorite musical forever (it could basically kick any other musicals you know what out there) and i could not be more excited it is now on film. yay.
i spent five hours today with polly day watching her try on wedding dresses. it was awesome. i now must say that my previously festered ball of bitterness has now diminished into a lovely cup of joy for all those to be wed this 2005.
i currently mourn for all my oklahoma friends. you all got a bad whippin.
coming soon: megan and gennie's holiday picture
I feel like my blogger has now been turned into a newsletter, considering i never seen anyone so i have to report on day to day events. too bad i don't have anything catchy to call it like "click's corner" or "the holbrooke herald." speaking of holbrooke, lonnie and court leave for thailand on thursday. pray for their trip to be safe. go great commission, go!
that is all for this week's newletter.
yay 2005
It is really weird and strange but to me it feels as though it has been 2005 for a while. Today I wrote 1/2/05 and it didn't feel weird at all. Normally I would be like, "holy crap! that is so weird! I'm writing 05 instead of 04! crazy!" but today that didn't happen at all. I almost got confused at thought last year had actually been 2005 and now it was 2006. 05 just seems very natural to me.
So I just got back from five days of hanging out with crazy cool peeps from arkansas and oklahoma. I must say, I think Oklahoma produces the coolest people in America. I have yet to really dislike anyone from that state whom I know personally. in fact, I pretty much love everyone from Oklahoma. that's right, I'm an Oklahoman's #1 fan.
Most definitely my favorite part of this year's conference in regard's to entertainment was when the girl stuck the ethernet jack into her ear during the security video. i mean, what kind of a moron thinks that someone is seriously security personel when he asks you to get a reading of your ear canal? that was priceless. i also loved filming the video with larry lindquist. you all missed out greatly on all the stuff that was shot. jordan smith made me pee my pants. If you didn't go to CC 04, well, i feel sorry for you. it was great.