this is a picture of my dad's office at home. notice the stunning lamp by the window. must be Italian.

the gnome kid in this picture is hilarious!
scared of santa
i found these pics online. they made me laugh, particularly the one with the three children.
library of the year 2005
the fayetteville public library might me my favorite place in town. i've been spending more time there lately. there are a lot of things about it that i find highly enjoyable. this includes arsaga's cafe, internationals that hang out there (lots of chinese families), and alphabetized listings instead of the dewey decimal system. did i mention that it is so cool that one can not only check out books but dvds, vhs, and cds too? here are my recent lendings from the best library ever:
mindy smith- one moment more
the new amsterdams- worse for the wear
and you will know us by the trail of dead- source tags and codes
matthew sweet- 100% fun
wedding in galilee- a movie that one the international critics award at cannes
a copy of
you shall know our velocity by dave eggers
my only complaint is that the library is not open 24/7. that is my wish, that libraries would stay open forever and ever and never close. happy reading/listening/watching from the unofficial spokesperson for the fayetteville public library.

this is how they bowl in china.